Monday 9.8.2021 is here and at 5AM the limitation of Major Game Jam #4 was announced. This time it’s limitation will be “cheating”. It’s my second jam ever, and I’ve already run out of ideas. Luckily my flatmates saved me this time and help me to implement the limitation into Cosmic theme perfectly. Two space programs, where each team copy from the second one.
It is also good to leave a warning here that if anyone wants to play the game without knowing it’s techniques, it’s best time to do now and come back after.
The plan is to do game coding first, then create and implement characters and graphics, and then improve all the experience player has.
I’ve never did game such as this one. The main difference is, that it will be completely driven by buttons on the screen, not with keys on keybord, joystick or anything. With its genre it’ll be something something between towerdefense and Big Pharma.
I chose to start with three characters player can buy. Scientist, Guard and Spy. The scientist is the most expensive one, however he is generating money over time and also a little progress – because he is obviously a scientist. Scientist can’t die. To win this game player must cheat, that’s what there is spy for. Spy is a cheap character, didn’t make money and can die easily. However, he will be able to skip a lot of progress scientist made, if he is sucessfull with his mission. To keep the rules fair, the oponent (in our case computer) can cheat as well. That’s what are the guards here for. Guards can kill oponents spy and slow down progress of the oponent.
In terms of coding, I’ve prepared the simple buttons for the beginning. They can already handle money. I’ve also managed to create simple progress bar. Tommorow I will probably start with some simple game animations and maybe some models and environment.